Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Whole Wheat Biscuit Pizzas

My kids are probably like all kids and love pizza.  Now, we do make a processed free pizza crust, but it takes a while because of the rise time.  So, when they want something faster (and me too) the perfect solution is using biscuit dough for the crust.  I can't tell you how fast this is and it's really easy for everyone to work with.  But, don't go out and buy a tube of refrigerator biscuits, make your own.  I promise it's even quicker than going to the store to buy some anyway.

2 1/4 cups whole wheat baking mix (found here)
2/3 cup milk

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Mix ingredients and roll out to about a 1/2 inch thickness. I like to roll them out on wax paper that I wet on one side to keep it from sliding on the counter, then sprinkle some whole wheat flour down and some on the top to keep it from sticking to the paper or your rolling pin. Cut out with a round biscuit cutter or upside down water glass. Place each of them on a piece of parchment that has been cut to fit - about 4 pieces on a cookie sheet. 

You can see below that 4 pieces of this parchment paper will fit on the cookie sheet to bake.  Sprinkle a bit more whole wheat flour on top of the biscuit and let your little ones roll them out further to make them pretty thin - don't worry, they puff back up when you bake them. 

Next, let them spread on some pizza sauce (I found mine right in the grocery store and I could pronounce every ingredient and it had no added sugar) and top with their favorite toppings.  I think this is every one's favorite part, including mine.  Some suggestions include: mozzarella, shredded zucchini, diced peppers, olives, mushrooms, pepperoni, parmesan, etc.  My favorite is little dollops of ricotta cheese!

Now you can transfer each pizza to a cookie sheet while still on the parchment and not ruin their masterpiece.  Bake in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes. 

My kids loved making their own pizzas and I love that they like to be involved with their food.  I will admit that adults will want at least 2 of these, but one is fine for younger kids.  You should be able to get about 8 biscuits from the recipe anyway, so plan on about 8 mini pizzas.  Happy pizza night!


  1. We made this, and it was great! A nice soft crust. Instead of cutting out biscuits, though, I broke and rolled the dough into balls and rolled them out quite a bit thinner, more like 1/8" thick, since they puff up. -Cate in Vancouver, BC

  2. Great suggestion! I think I'll do the same next time.
