Saturday, January 12, 2013

Healthy Homemade Powdered Sugar

Many of my past favorite recipes have used powdered sugar in some way for sweetness, and until I could find an acceptable alternative, these recipes where on the shelf.  But, not any more!  Here is a processed free, healthier version of this pantry staple.  You could actually make regular powdered sugar the same way, but we are of course not doing that. 

1 cup sucanat (or palm sugar or erythritol)
1 Tbsp. cornstarch or arrowroot

Put both ingredients in a food processor and pulse until everything is combined and very fine in texture. 

This is what mine looked like in my mini food processor.  Because the sucanat is brown, the powdered sugar is a light brown too.  If this throws you off, use the erythritol because it is white.  I personally like the whole food-ness of the sucanat or the palm sugar, so the brown shade of those doesn't really bother me.  I guess it may depend on what you are using it for.  I also prefer the cornstarch to the arrowroot, but you could use either.  I do however use organic cornstarch since corn is a highly genetically modified food (GMO) and I want to stay away from that as much as possible.  If you use the sucanat version for an icing or glaze where it's just milk and vanilla added, your glaze will be brown and have a little bit of a molasses flavor to it.  My kids absolutely love it!  One final note, if you use coconut/palm sugar or erythritol you may need to use a little more to achieve the same sweetness you want in your recipes.  I hope you like using a healthy powdered sugar.  Have fun with this! 

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