Saturday, January 12, 2013

Whole Wheat Crepes

Don't crepes just seem so fancy!  I was lucky enough to grow up eating crepes as a standard in our breakfast rotation.  Yes, my mom can cook!  And when I was younger, I had the opportunity to live in Europe for a while where there are always little crepe stands that make them fresh right in front of you then slather it with yumminess like nutella or powdered sugar.  Okay, nothing about this sounds processed free, but I'm getting there.  First, let me tell you how easy these are to make.  If you have a whisk and a pan, you can make crepes.  Secondly, you can have your cake and eat it too (or crepes rather) if you swap out only a few ingredients to make this guilt free.

3/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1 cup milk
2 eggs
1/4 tsp. salt

Beat all the ingredients together and try and remove as many lumps as you can - ideally there would be no lumps, but don't worry if there are a few.  Spray a cooking pan with coconut oil (I use my misto - read about it here) and pour in some batter right in the middle.

Then, lift the pan off the burner and swirl it around until it becomes a larger, flatter circle.  You can see the difference in these two pictures.  I usually pour in a bit more batter than the picture shows to be able to swirl it and coat the entire bottom of the pan, but these were for my kids, so I made them a little smaller.  When it is no longer glossy or only a little in the center, flip it gently with a spatula.

You'll see the edges start to curl up when it's done.  Transfer it to a plate and cover the stack with a clean kitchen towel or tin foil to keep them warm. 

And here is the best part - filling them and devouring!  Some of my favorite fillings include:
  • berries and banana slices with homemade whipped cream (cream with sucanat/coconut sugar/eryithritol/stevia)
  • butter with homemade powdered sugar (recipe here) and fresh squeezed lemon wedges
  • homemade nutella (I'll post my recipe some time) with a sprinkle of nuts
  • fruit or all fruit preserves with cream cheese or ricotta cheese
  • maple syrup (the kids like this for sweetness)
  • homemade chocolate sauce (so it is processed free) with berries
And since this recipe doesn't call for sugar of any kind, you can also use them for savory crepes in which the filling possibilities are endless too.  Here are a few ideas:
  • scrambled eggs with meat, cheese, and sauteed veggies
  • asparagus, ham, and Gruyere/goat cheese/Swiss
  • chicken in a cream sauce
  • shrimp/chicken/salmon with sauteed veggies, garlic, capers and lemon
  • sandwich-type fillings with spinach
  • sausage, sauteed apple and Gruyere
These are just the tip of the iceberg for filling possibilities.  But, now you know you can make them processed free and from scratch yourself.  Go ahead and let everyone be impressed!

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