Thursday, January 10, 2013

Misto Cooking Sprayers

Here is one of my new favorite finds - the Misto!  While trying to go processed free, I have found that not only some products that I used in the past made cooking faster, but easier too.  This was the case for cooking sprays.  Even if I chose to use the olive oil spray (which is not healthy when consumed at high heat anyway,) the added chemicals used to propel it were not what I wanted in my body.  I knew that some pump products existed where you use your regular oil, but I had never come across them in a store.  Then my mom found these while shopping at Costco and knew we needed them.

They came two in a package which was perfect because I wanted one for olive oil and one for coconut oil.  And they are so easy to use. 

Here is what you do: pour your oil in the bottle and fill it to the top of the window, screw the cap back on, and use the lid to pump air into the chamber.  Now you can create a nice even spray without all the chemicals, and better yet, you still have a cooking spray that is fast and easy.  How great is that?  You will have to pump it a few times between uses, but I don't think that is a bad trade off. 

Now here is the only special instruction needed regarding the coconut oil.  Since this kind of oil is solid at room temperature, it does need to be heated to pour it in the bottle and spray it, so I heated it to do just that which was fine while I was using it - it stayed liquid long enough.  Once it got put back on the shelf for a while it turned solid inside the Misto again.  I found that if I just ran warm water over the filled bottle for about three minutes it became liquid again and I could use it as I did before.  I also figured out I could put the bottle in a bowl of warm water and by the time I was ready to use it, it was liquid again.

So let's here it for the Misto!  Go get one, you'll feel so great getting rid of your store bought sprays and feeding your family only what you intended. 

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