Monday, January 7, 2013

Whole Wheat Pie Crust

I had been looking for a whole wheat pie crust recipe for a while that was flaky, tender and most of all delicious.  I learned along the way that most pie crust is pretty easy to make at home instead of buying it at the store and definitely makes this processed free without all the white flour.  However, not all recipes are created equal - some are not as tasty, others are tough, and many are so complicated that you just won't make them ever again.  I found this recipe and it has become my favorite so far.  I figured out how to make it WAY easier and super fast.  But I also included a version you can do by hand that is also simplified.  This will make two pie crusts.

1/4 cup ice water
1 egg
2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
1/2 tsp. salt
12 Tbsp. butter (1 1/2 sticks)

In a food processor, pour in the flour and salt and pulse to mix.  Add the egg, water, and the butter that has been cut in large chunks.  Pulse until it forms a dough ball.  Remove from the food processor and cut into two equal pieces.  Sprinkle some whole wheat pastry flour on the counter and shape one of the halves into a flat disk.  Place it on the floured surface and start rolling it out until it is a thin, sort of circle shape.  You could also try rolling out the dough on wax paper, which is sometimes easier when transferring it to your pie plate.  Place it in the pie place and cut off any extra around the edges.  Make sure you don't stretch it when putting it in.  It's that easy!

By hand:
Take the 1 and 1/2 sticks of butter and cut them length-wise down the middle, then down the middle of each of these pieces.  This will give you 4 long quarters.  Then slice these into small, square pieces.  This is what it will look like.

Once you have all the butter cut up, put them in a bowl and stick it in the freezer until you're ready to use it. 

Whisk together the flour and salt.  Measure out a 1/4 cup of ice water and add the egg to it.  Beat the two together and set aside.  Get the butter from the freezer and add it to the flour.  Use a pastry cutter to break up the butter and incorporate it into the flour mixture (if you don't have one you can use your fingers.)  Pour in the egg and water mixture and stir everything until it is all combined.  If it seems too dry, add a tablespoon of water at a time until it is the right consistency.

Roll it out the same as the above description. 

If you are filling it before it's baked then you are all done!  You can make a pretty edge by folding the edges underneath and crimping them with your fingers or use a fork to make little lined impressions.  If you need to bake it first without a filling, poke holes in the bottom with a fork and bake it at 375 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes. 

You would roll out the other half and the same as the first and use it to top the pie or save it between two piece of wax paper and store it in the freezer until you need a pie crust for another time.  I hope you enjoy this easy, healthy crust!

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