Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Peanut Butter Bumpers Cereal

We buy pretty healthy low or no sugar cereals at our house most of the time, but when the kids want a "treat" cereal, this is the one we buy.  It's called Peanut Butter Bumpers by Mothers brand and I think it tastes most like Peanut Butter Captain Crunch.  Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not trying to pass this off as the most healthy cereal, but it doesn't have refined sugar or wheat flour in it and boasts ingredients that I have at least heard of.  Here is the whole ingredient list: corn flour, unsulphured molasses, natural peanut butter (ground peanuts, salt), oat flour, rice flour, honey, salt, and vitamin E.  Better, right?  So, it does have sugar, but all natural sweeteners that your body can more easily recognize and digest.  I have found this at most health food stores, but even some local grocery stores carry it too.  I've even found it at my local Target store!  If your local grocery store has a health food section, you may also find it there too.  Try swapping this for one of your other sugary-treat type cereals.  You may just like it better!

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