Friday, January 29, 2016

Chocolate Avocado Frosting

I feel like I'm cheating with this recipe a little bit because it's the same recipe as my chocolate pudding and fudgesicles.  My justification is that when you find a really versatile, processed free, delicious recipe, you just run with it! This is a creamy, rich frosting with no refined sugar or unhealthy oils.  Those have been replace with raw honey and avocados.  I understand this might not be for everyone, but even my sister who doesn't like avocados likes this recipe.

2 avodados
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 cup raw honey
1/8 tsp. salt

Put everything in a small food processor and turn it on until all the ingredients are mixed and creamy.  This makes enough to cover the top of a 9x13 inch cake.  You can double it to make a thicker layer or enough to put between layers as well.  This is best spread on the cake and refrigerated to firm it up before cutting, but you don't have to.  Store leftover frosting and/or frosted cake in the refrigerator.

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