Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Healthy Strawberry Shortcake

We are still getting 90 degree + temperatures here, so I consider this time of year still summer.  And nothing seems better that a refreshing berry dessert on a hot day.  I don't believe you should give up desserts if you are processed free, so here is my healthier (and every bit as tasty) strawberry shortcake.

2 1/3 cup whole wheat baking mix
2/3 cup milk
3 Tbsp butter - room temperature or melted
3 Tbsp sucanat or whole organic cane sugar (if you can't find this, use coconut sugar)

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.  Combine the ingredients and drop 6 heaping spoonfuls on an ungreased cookie sheet - although, I still use my silpat.  Bake for 10 to 12 minutes.  Makes 6.

You could also make these smaller and bake for less time to have mini shortcakes, which would be adorable!

I like the traditional strawberries with whipped cream as the filling, but you could use any berry medley that you wanted.  But, here is my secret for making your berries taste really flavorful and bright -cut up the berries ahead of time and let them marry with a little lemon zest.  No juice, just the zest - it really makes the berries sing!

As for the whipped cream, you can do one of two options.  At health food stores, you can find a rice whipped topping that comes in a squeeze top can just like the other whipped creams.  It's not bad, and when it's with all the other ingredients, you don't realize anything is different from before.  This is actually what I used in the picture above.  The second option is to make your own with real ingredients.  So, you would use whipping cream (preferably organic) and a sweetener, such as coconut sugar, sucanat, eryithritol or stevia.  Beat the cream first and when it starts to thicken, slowly add the sweetener of your choice.  Nothing quite like the real deal - it's always my first choice!

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