Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Smarter Snacks

Fast and easy snack options can be difficult with children, especially when you have to throw something in your bag for them quickly while on the go.  Doing this with processed free food can be a bit more of a challenge which is why I thought I would share some of my favorite items and products that make this fast and easy for me.

Of course, fresh fruit is probably the best option.  Particularly items like apples and bananas that don't have to be cut up when in a hurry.  The only problem I have had is that occasionally I forget that I threw them in my bag, and a few days later they have made a mess - oops!  I have also found fruit cups that do not add any sugar or preservatives, like unsweetened applesauce and Mandarin oranges.  You can buy this kind at health food stores, but I am starting to see some of that at the regular grocery store too. 

Oh the beloved fruit snacks!  I knew I needed to find acceptable replacements for these highly processed items to keep my kids happy.  And they are so darn handy to throw in a diaper bag!  Here are two of my favorites that I have deemed worthy: Trader Joe's unsweetened dried fruit bars (no added sugar) and Annie's Organic Orchard Strawberry Fruit Bites (no added sugar, colors or preservatives).  Annie's makes other kinds, but this is the only one with the ingredient label that I like.   

Here are a few more crowd pleasers when it comes to my kids, that are also fast for me.  Ak-mak crackers are a great alternative to traditional crackers loaded with trans fats.  These are whole wheat with a sprinkle of sesame seeds on them.  I thought my kids my balk at the sesame seeds, but they love them, and so do I.  And what kid doesn't like string cheese?  I just switched to buying organic - it was that simple.  You may be wondering what's in the bowl.  It's unsweetened puffed wheat.  I know this doesn't sound like something kids would like, but mine love it!  I pour some in a sandwich bag for each of them, and they happily eat this while sitting quietly when we're out.  They also like it in a bowl as a snack at home.  Easy!!  I also have found more natural graham crackers that I like, because the regular kind are also loaded with trans fats.  I just didn't have any on hand when I took this picture.  

And last, but not least, a treat that keeps the kids happy and quiet while out - "candy."  I used to carry dum-dums suckers, but of course they are artificial and full of sugar.  Here is the perfect swap - Xyla Lollipos!  They are sugar free because they use the sweetener xylitol. Xylitol is known as a "sugar alcohol" (even though it is neither) and is considered natural because our bodies actually produces it on it's own.  It also occurs naturally in the fibers of many fruits and vegetables.  It's low in calories and low-glycemic because it's not fully absorbed into the blood steam.  Plus, it does not contribute to tooth decay, in fact, it actually prevents it!  So, in my mind this is a great alternative.  I would caution, that too much xylitol can cause digestive upset, so use these sparingly.  And they are expensive, so that will also cut down your desire to gobble these up to quickly or give them out too often.  Never the less, a great alternative!

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